Thursday, 29 July 2010

July 29th- A day at the park

I've totally neglected this, oops. So don't know what number day I'm up to lol. But my photo for today has to be all 4 of my girls, at our local park. They absolutly loved it and I love this photo.

Sunday, 16 May 2010

Day 136-Poor Vienna

My poor baby Vienna has been in A&E today, having her head glued up as she fell into our tv stand and cut it :( She was a big brave girl though, so she deserves to be todays picture, along with her 'poorly'.

Saturday, 15 May 2010

Day 135-Quack quack

I MUST remember to take my phone with me everywhere, I've gone and missed the BEST photo opportunity :(. IF I'd have taken it with me I'd have taken piccies of the ducks we saw in the beck near our house. It's very rare we see ducks, but today we saw 4 ducks and 9 ducklings in total! It was so cute watching mummy duck protecting her babies :)

Thursday, 13 May 2010

Day 133-Mini diva

Well this just HAS to be todays piccie haha. I went upstairs to take some clothes up, and this is the sight that greeted me when I came back down haha.

Wednesday, 12 May 2010

Day 132

Today the girls have had some more proffesional pictures taking, he made them pose in such a cute way too, I really can't wait to get them back. No photo though as of course I'm waiting for them :). I was also trying to find my phone to take a photo of all the girls playing nicely on their rocking horse, but as I found it they got off. lol

Day 120- Wedding Belles

Today was my (step) brother and his (now) wife Lyndsys wedding. The girls couldn't wait to go. It was a lovely day, the bride looked beautiful. CONGRATULATIONS to them both. I got lots of lovely piccies, but out of them all I've picked a piccie of my sister Mel with the girls.

Meeting a princess

The girls got to meet a Princess, Princess Aurora. As Ellie-May wants to be a Princess when she grows up, this was brilliant for her :)