Sunday, 16 May 2010

Day 136-Poor Vienna

My poor baby Vienna has been in A&E today, having her head glued up as she fell into our tv stand and cut it :( She was a big brave girl though, so she deserves to be todays picture, along with her 'poorly'.

Saturday, 15 May 2010

Day 135-Quack quack

I MUST remember to take my phone with me everywhere, I've gone and missed the BEST photo opportunity :(. IF I'd have taken it with me I'd have taken piccies of the ducks we saw in the beck near our house. It's very rare we see ducks, but today we saw 4 ducks and 9 ducklings in total! It was so cute watching mummy duck protecting her babies :)

Thursday, 13 May 2010

Day 133-Mini diva

Well this just HAS to be todays piccie haha. I went upstairs to take some clothes up, and this is the sight that greeted me when I came back down haha.

Wednesday, 12 May 2010

Day 132

Today the girls have had some more proffesional pictures taking, he made them pose in such a cute way too, I really can't wait to get them back. No photo though as of course I'm waiting for them :). I was also trying to find my phone to take a photo of all the girls playing nicely on their rocking horse, but as I found it they got off. lol

Day 120- Wedding Belles

Today was my (step) brother and his (now) wife Lyndsys wedding. The girls couldn't wait to go. It was a lovely day, the bride looked beautiful. CONGRATULATIONS to them both. I got lots of lovely piccies, but out of them all I've picked a piccie of my sister Mel with the girls.

Meeting a princess

The girls got to meet a Princess, Princess Aurora. As Ellie-May wants to be a Princess when she grows up, this was brilliant for her :)

Melissas hair cut

Melissa had her hair cut today :D She looks so different.

MORE snow!!-March

Believe it or not we had MORE snow!! Typically the girls had slept at Grandma Lynn's and there wasn't much way to get them home, we couldn't get them home by car as it was so heavy (we woke to about 3inches) and so we had to walk all the way to my mum's to pick them up, they thought it was an adventure of course. One picture is what we woke to, the other is the girls playing in the snow.

Look mummy I can brush my own teeth

Vienna decided she didn't need mummy's help in brushing her teeth no more, although Vienna doesn't actually 'brush' her teeth, she just sucks the toothpaste off lol

Playing in tanks-April

Today in town they had all soldiers and tanks, to try and raise some money. They were letting children climb in the tank and have a nosy. Of course Ellie-may was straight in, Melissa was scared though so didn't bother.

Day at park-March

The girls love going to Grandma Lynn's, and once there all we ever get is 'mum can we go to the park' I usually never have my phone though, so was overjoyed when this time I remembered it, and took lots of piccies of my girlies having fun :)

Vienna's 2nd birthday-4th March

Well Vienna had a lovely second birthday, she enjoyed playing with all her new toys and eating yummy chocolate cake (Which she told me I couldn't have :() Can't believe my baby's now 2! :0 Where does the time go?


Totally forgot about keeping up with this :(. So the next few posts will be me looking back on certain days (even though the dates won't match up lol).